Brimming with enthusiasm for the MAN eTGX and MAN eTGS: Achim Demattio knows MAN eTrucks inside out and down to the last detail; after all, he is responsible for ensuring that they precisely meet drivers’ and hauliers’ requirements. In this interview, Achim discusses his experiences of the electric vehicles.
MOREWith the hit “Rock me Amadeus” in 1985, Falco was the absolute number one, not only in Germany and Austria, but also in the United Kingdom and the USA. The singer with a confident grin and slicked-back hair died far too early but nevertheless enjoys legendary status. That’s why it was clear to Markus Gollmann…
MOREWhen Jörg Syska from Währentrup (in the district of Lipp) bought his MAN 8.156 some years ago, the former civil engineering contractor was fulfilling a long-held dream. While still working, Jörg also put MAN Ponton short-bonnet trucks, which holds pretty much legendary status, into action. He became a classic car enthusiast no later than the…
MORETwo MAN assistance systems make your journey through towns or complex traffic situations safer and more relaxed. Thanks to modern sensors, the systems become predictive bodyguards for your truck – and for weaker road users.
MOREFrom ‘Emma’ to ‘Little Emma’: Andi Koller used to drive an MAN TGX 26.510 with a loading crane, his beloved Emma. Since April 2024, he has been driving a smaller MAN TGS 26.520 and has therefore given his new vehicle the name ‘Little Emma’. The reason for the change of truck is a health issue…
MOREAREL BAU from Frankfurt am Main builds and maintains railway switches, tracks and platforms. Their main client is Deutsche Bahn AG. Employees work mostly at night, seven days a week, almost every weekend, in all weathers and while trains rush past.
MORETom van Gestel creates an attractive look for bathrooms, kitchens, terraces and much more with tiles and natural stone. He also proves his ability to professionally realise creative space ideas with his MAN TGX, which he is currently converting into a motorhome. He wants to travel the world with it soon – and finally make…
MOREThe fleet belonging to Xanten-based Schweers Containerservice GmbH & Co. KG looks sleek in characteristic black. And the company’s latest truck does not stray from the corporate colour but fits in seamlessly as a black MAN Lion.
MOREMAN Truck & Bus UK Ltd. celebrates the sale of the 150,000th vehicle in Great Britain with a spectacular and rather unique customer truck. The truck – a special build of the MAN TGX Individual Lion S – is operated by family-owned Templeman Retailing & Vending Ltd based in Gateshead.
MOREThe MAN TGX 18.470 is a special truck for driver Yusuf Sevinç: It’s a perfect work tool, reliable partner and reigning “beauty king”. Read about a tight trucker team from Turkey.