A prime example of sustainability


Stefan Birlenberg's MAN F2000 is as roadworthy as ever, and has the seal to prove it

The story of Stefan Birlenberg and his MAN F2000 proves once again: One’s love for a truck lasts a lifetime, and in some circumstances can even become a lesson in appreciation and sustainable practice.

“My 1998 MAN F2000 has passed its MOT,” says professional driver Stefan, who can hardly believe his luck, before going on to thank his company for the support that made this possible. His be-all and end-all, the MAN F2000, was professionally repaired and even sports the green badge now that the correct filters have been installed.

“This would surely make for a nice piece about sustainability, wouldn’t it?”

Stefan wanted to know from us. We agree. His colleagues at the small horticultural company Aslan Altunsoy, who Stefan works for on a temporary basis, now also share his enthusiasm for the MAN golden oldie.

At first, they didn’t understand Stefan’s passion for the ageing truck, but “now they support me to the best of their ability,” the 44-year-old says happily. Most of the time, Stefan works in the transport service sector and drives buses. However, given the fact he has a close relationship with the horticultural company, he is happy to help out there with smaller transport tasks, as far as his health allows. “For health reasons, I’m no longer able to work full days. But I just love driving, and as soon as I take my MAN F2000 out on the road, I’m a happy man.”

What’s more, Stefan and his MAN truck are a great team: “With older vehicles, not everything runs totally smoothly. There are tricks of the trade.” And Stefan knows what they are: When is the best time to shift gears, when does the lock need to be used – the driver from Leverkusen has picked them all up over time.

As much as Stefan might have hoped for it: He has never had the opportunity to drive a new truck. But his view on this is a pragmatic one: “The good thing about never getting to drive newer models is that I’m still clued up on vehicles whose only electronic feature is that the windows open and close,” Stefan says, laughing.

But if he allows himself to daydream, he would certainly like to get behind the wheel of a more modern truck at some point: “It would be amazing to take a truck to Spain on holiday,” Stefan says, romanticising. In an ideal world, the truck of choice would be an MAN TGX. Nevertheless, his passion for the MAN F2000 remains unabated and we hope he has many more unforgettable experiences and trips in his sprightly lion.