First impressions count


LTN GmbH is proof that Dortmund drives MAN

Football and MAN – two great passions. The Niedenführ family’s business shows what a potent pairing this can be with its football-themed trucks, which feature a black-and-yellow paint job inspired by local Bundesliga team Borussia Dortmund.

Trucks are like mobile adverts for the company that owns them. A few of the vehicles operating on behalf of LTN GmbH and the Niedenführ family that runs the company also reveal a little something about their owners’ passion for Borussia Dortmund.

Marco Niedenführ decided to buy two of MAN’s stylish Bundesliga trucks when he saw what a hit his parents’ own 7.5-tonner was with drivers and the public thanks to its paint job featuring Dortmund’s beloved home-town club.

“The MAN truck owned by SNT GmbH pulls up to the stadium at every Dortmund home game to drop off tasty pretzels, rolls, and much more besides. The fact that the vehicle attracts so much attention was the inspiration for my company to follow suit and buy a truck with a Dortmund-inspired livery,” Niedenführ explains. Positive reactions from customers and the public are proof that he hit the back of the net with this decision.

“A lot of people want to get a close look at the trucks and even take photos.”

The trucks also bring joy to the drivers lucky enough to take them out on the road: not just with their cool design, but also with their user-friendliness and features clearly designed with drivers in mind. Long-term LTN employees who give their vehicles all the loving care they deserve are the lucky ones who get to benefit from these special trucks.

The black-and-yellow Bundesliga models are put into service wherever they are needed by the transportation and logistics company – whether for long-haul domestic duties or for transporting consumer goods, foodstuffs, and drinks.

Yet Marco Niedenführ knows only too well that there’s more to his “premier league” models than an eye-catching paint job. It’s also their reliability, efficiency, and economy that make him such a satisfied MAN customer. Those are the reasons why he has over 70 MAN trucks in his fleet alongside the two Borussia Dortmund editions and another example in a custom design featuring the city’s skyline. If he has his way, a few more special trucks will be added to the lot in the future. But will he sign more “footballers” to the team? Whether or not that turns out to be the case, first impressions count – putting LTN GmbH firmly at the top of the table in terms of looks and customer service.