MAN QuickStop tackles explosive issue

Driver topicsTRUCKSTOP

United Kingdom now also faced with driver shortage

What happens if fewer and fewer men and women decide to become professional drivers? Very little, is the sobering answer to that: In the short term, an increasing number of cabs remain empty; in the long term, there is the threat of a collapse in supply. In the latest MAN QuickStop episode, a contractor talks about the driver shortage.

The latest episode of MAN QuickStop looks at the shortage of drivers in United Kingdom, and features a local contractor who is already facing up to the implications of this issue. The situation is becoming more and more critical as far as the lack of new recruits is concerned.

If the number of empty cabs continues to increase, well-stocked supermarket shelves, fast deliveries from online orders, and reliable transportation of raw materials for industry and commerce will soon be under threat. The list goes on and on. Unfortunately, that doesn’t change the fact that the truck driving profession continues to slide down the popularity scale. What can companies and manufacturers do to reverse this trend? – freight forwarders like Stuart Wrings from United Kingdom aren’t the only ones asking themselves this question in the latest MAN QuickStop episode. Here is a clamour for quick and practicable solutions.

One driver we interviewed on the topic suggested the following approaches: Improvements in road transport infrastructure, better facilities, for example at truck stops, higher salaries, less bureaucracy, targeting women and older people more specifically and sparking interest in the driving profession, providing drivers with modern, convenient vehicles.

What changes would ensure that professional driving continued to be an appealing profession for you? Feel free to use our contact form for your responses.