A lifesaver at off-road training


Truck driver Stefan Erdmann saves the life of a fellow driver.

In November last year, Stefan Erdmann saved the life of a colleague on the A2 motorway. MAN has now thanked the 55-year-old for his courageous efforts with a MAN ProfiDrive® off-road training course.

It is not something you experience every day. And that is also true for Stefan Erdmann, who has been a professional truck driver for 35 years. But what is normal when you save the life of a fellow driver on the motorway – and the police call you “Germany’s hero”? In recognition of his courage, MAN gave him the opportunity to take part in MAN ProfiDrive® off-road training on completely new terrain: in the Langenaltheim off-road park. Stefan Erdmann stands there in August 2023 and is amazed. “When I first saw the site, I just thought: ‘On the plateau, there are such big holes, I would never drive there in my truck in real life.” But today is a special day: on the training grounds, an old quarry, Stefan will encounter hill crests, troughs, curves, lateral inclines, steep downhill gradients and overhangs. He and the other participants practise confident moving off, steering, braking, lock management, securing loads and much more.

“An old quarry becomes a new experience: Stefan Erdmann and the other participants of the MAN ProfiDrive® off-road training course repeatedly discover new challenges on the demanding track and take them all in their stride. Thanks to their new knowledge and high-tech MAN vehicles, they can cope with them all.”

There is also a detailed theory section on the safety and technical features of MAN vehicles: “The fact that the MAN trucks can overcome any obstacle without any problems is impressive. It’s exciting to experience this on different models – from three-axle vehicles to semitrailer tractors. Every vehicle reacts differently,” Stefan concludes. He completes the course with flying colours, also in the opinion of trainer Markus Ulbricht. Even for him, the terrain is still new, and he is always discovering new corners and possibilities, for example, for sand training. “We at MAN ProfiDrive® have been here at the site in Langenaltheim since June. This is only the third training course here today, and I was really quite nervous at the start. But our group mastered everything very well.”

Breathless nodding among the ten participants. And no wonder: the new terrain is more demanding than the old off-road track, more extreme, with a long, steep downhill gradient. The general consensus is that it is ‘a fantastic experience’. Trainer Markus is nevertheless thinking ahead: “We want to make the terrain a little easier here and there. Then we can do more circuits and drive for longer. It is important to me that people sit behind the wheel as much as possible.”

“It’s a great course! It’s fantastic to experience what MAN vehicles have to offer! I now know how to drive well and safely and use MAN technology effectively on the road.”

Because there are not always guardian angels like Stefan Erdmann around.

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